Friday, July 5, 2024

Invisible Love

A glimmer of love in the darkest heart
Of the violent man who has never been loved
or has received it but not recognised it
Violent, always with the wounded hearts

The pain, a shadow in pitch dark
That comes from
not believing in the love
Of sieving out only the wrongs
and blinding out the tenderness

What human fatality is this?
That walls us up from the obvious love
of the breath that goes in and out
the heart that beats incessantly
the grain that merges with our flesh
the thought that flickers in our mind
We do none of it
And yet we think; no, we believe
That we do all of it
And this is the human predicament
that blinds us
from the obvious love

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The sweet hum of creation

Why would it be revealed to me
The one who dwells in the gross
Soaked in desires of success all day
A base seeker who works more than she contemplates 

The hum, a delicate flower
The softest turn of a woman's waist
The tiniest string of an instrument
The delicate whisper of the mother divine

Revealed only to the one who becomes that fine
Soft cradling in the sensitivity of the heart
Quiet listening in the pulsating silence 
The one like air, who can slowly
delicately push aside the veil of the Beloved
to reveal her shy beauty 
till she roars through my being

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


The sinister darkness that lurks behind thought
Its weapon, the very water of you it clenches 
The sticky darkness that divides multifold
Tentacles masquerading as common traits

The greed you feel is not your ambition, no sir
Covetousness wrapped in faux freedom of desire
Wanting to eat, engulf, possess-deep in your depths
The very tentacles of fear, distorted even more
of disappearing if there is nothing possessed

The envy you feel is not inspiration, no sir
Pangs in your heart & chest 
Masquerading as fuel to 'do' in the world
The very tentacles of fear, separating you from all
Violence in its mildest hues
though not mild at all, within you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Pride of Compassion

Watch the swell of pride
that bursts through your chest
a penny worth offering
you gloat your compassion

A high-nose wad to a scrawny boy
The dogs glutton leftovers you toss
delighted pity for the unfortunate friend
a badge of sympathy vulgarly flashed

Watch the bird that nests and feeds
the hatchling till flight
simply, unheeding of return
striving as is needed
no compassion, no frills

Watch the dog that follows you
eats what you offer it
lives and dies for you
with you
no compassion, no frills

Now look at you
The pride you take
In feeling sorry for another
In sharing a wad, some grub
Just because it is rare
doesn't make it valuable

It is a quiet accepting, allowing
compassion is
a soft inclusion 
a silent sorrow
tears of love
and a sliver of gratitude.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Struggle of Defiance

The caustic burn of defiance
Springing an ugly hood
at the whisper of disagreeable
of unworthy, of unpalatable
perverse victim of convenience.

The chains of righteousness
envelop me so
chest filled with burning breath
afraid to breathe out
afraid to let it go
it fills and fills my chest feud and fire.

The righteousness is an argument
a debate one can win
A victory coated loss
Thats what defiance brings

The numbness of acceptance
yearning for unfeeling, unheeding
flow through muddy waters a turquoise fish
untouched, un-needing
dry, unaffected by the waters
or wet, accepting of the waters
either would provide solace
to my tormented soul.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Envious of the stars that are gone
And yet their light burns through
They hold no burden of life
In the glory of death they shine

It's not the misery of things
Nor of questionable ways
The pain of unquenchable thirst
The ache of unending hunger
Frozen paralysis of compulsion
Of the hustle of life and bustle of folk
Smile and smile and accept in grace
Till the pain is comfortable.
Till the ache is home.

Friday, January 22, 2016


The twitch of a finger, the gleam of an eye
The shadows that threaten to materialize
A rumble of fear that swallows all thought
The pulse just short of bursting forth.

The conviction that shakes three worlds of lore
That conviction is seeming in most, true only in two folk
One who has seen all there is to be seen
One who sees only that which he wants to see
The latter a madman, the former a hermit.

The madman I see right before me
I see through his eyes, I see in his mind
The conviction of the offering
The conviction that god thrilled at death

That god if cared of your thoughts on him
That which struck down the disagreeing
That god indeed fragile is it not?
Imagined traits, smeared on the pure.

Heavens with buxom angels and hells of fire.
What if heavens had fire and hells had angels?
Is it not that fire purifies and angels corrupt?
When imagination runs wild the sun is the moon
Being alive would be a curse and death a relieving boon

He paused to allow a bustling crowd
Soothened his rapid heart, whispering false solace
He turned his fear to anger at the folk
Mindless tales of anger that had been told
Mindless anger that helped him stay bold
Finger edgy, a quick prayer, the click of a button
Excruciating pain, a scream that stopped before it escaped
He was torn from himself, torn from what he had known
He was left with anger, seething anger
No angels, no heaven, no beauty shall ever be seen
Consumed in anger and alas
The reason for his anger, he would now never know.